Quick Start

This quick start is targeted at the Docker Managed Plugin method (Docker >= 1.13 / 17.03). If you’re using an earlier version of Docker, please refer to the documentation: Host Configuration.

  1. nDVP is supported on the following operating systems:

    • Debian
    • Ubuntu, 14.04+ if not using iSCSI multipathing, 15.10+ with iSCSI multipathing.
    • CentOS, 7.0+
    • RHEL, 7.0+
  2. Verify your storage system meets the minimum requirements:

    • ONTAP: 8.3 or greater
    • SolidFire: ElementOS 7 or greater
    • E-Series: Web Services Proxy
  3. Ensure you have Docker Engine 17.03 (nee 1.13) or above installed.

    docker --version

    If your version is out of date, follow the instructions for your distribution to install or update.

  4. Verify that the protocol prerequesites are installed and configured on your host. See Host Configuration.

  5. Create a configuration file. The default location is /etc/netappdvp/config.json. Be sure to use the correct options for your storage system.

    # create a location for the config files
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/netappdvp
    # create the configuration file, see below for more configuration examples
    cat << EOF > /etc/netappdvp/config.json
        "version": 1,
        "storageDriverName": "ontap-nas",
        "managementLIF": "",
        "dataLIF": "",
        "svm": "svm_nfs",
        "username": "vsadmin",
        "password": "netapp123",
        "aggregate": "aggr1"
  6. Start nDVP using the managed plugin system.

    docker plugin install netapp/ndvp-plugin:17.07 --alias netapp --grant-all-permissions
  7. Begin using nDVP to consume storage from the configured system.

    # create a volume named "firstVolume"
    docker volume create -d netapp --name firstVolume
    # create a default volume at container instantiation
    docker run --rm -it --volume-driver netapp --volume secondVolume:/my_vol alpine ash
    # remove the volume "firstVolume"
    docker volume rm firstVolume