E-Series Configuration

In addition to the global configuration values above, when using E-Series, these options are available.

Option Description Example
webProxyHostname Hostname or IP address of Web Services Proxy localhost
webProxyPort Port number of the Web Services Proxy (optional) 8443
webProxyUseHTTP Use HTTP instead of HTTPS for Web Services Proxy (default = false) true
webProxyVerifyTLS Verify server’s certificate chain and hostname (default = false) true
username Username for Web Services Proxy rw
password Password for Web Services Proxy rw
controllerA IP address of controller A
controllerB IP address of controller B
passwordArray Password for storage array if set blank/empty
hostDataIP Host iSCSI IP address (if multipathing just choose either one)
poolNameSearchPattern Regular expression for matching storage pools available for nDVP volumes (default = .+) docker.*
hostType Type of E-series Host created by nDVP (default = linux_dm_mp) linux_dm_mp
accessGroupName Name of E-series Host Group to contain Hosts defined by nDVP (default = netappdvp) DockerHosts

Example E-Series Config File

Example for eseries-iscsi driver

  "version": 1,
  "storageDriverName": "eseries-iscsi",
  "webProxyHostname": "localhost",
  "webProxyPort": "8443",
  "webProxyUseHTTP": false,
  "webProxyVerifyTLS": true,
  "username": "rw",
  "password": "rw",
  "controllerA": "",
  "controllerB": "",
  "passwordArray": "",
  "hostDataIP": ""

E-Series Array Setup Notes

The E-Series Docker driver can provision Docker volumes in any storage pool on the array, including volume groups and DDP pools. To limit the Docker driver to a subset of the storage pools, set the poolNameSearchPattern in the configuration file to a regular expression that matches the desired pools.

When creating a docker volume you can specify the volume size as well as the disk media type using the -o option and the tags size and mediaType. Valid values for media type are hdd and ssd. Note that these are optional; if unspecified, the defaults will be a 1 GB volume allocated from an HDD pool. An example of using these tags to create a 2 GiB volume from an SSD-based pool:

docker volume create -d netapp --name my_vol -o size=2G -o mediaType=ssd

The E-series Docker driver will detect and use any preexisting Host definitions without modification, and the driver will automatically define Host and Host Group objects as needed. The host type for hosts created by the driver defaults to linux_dm_mp, the native DM-MPIO multipath driver in Linux.

The current E-series Docker driver only supports iSCSI.