Global Configuration

These configuration variables apply to all nDVP configurations, regardless of the storage platform being used.

Option Description Example
version Config file version number 1
storageDriverName ontap-nas, ontap-nas-economy, ontap-san, eseries-iscsi, or solidfire-san ontap-nas
storagePrefix Optional prefix for volume names. Default: “netappdvp_” netappdvp_

Also, default option settings are available to avoid having to specify them on every volume create. The size option is available for all controller types. See the ONTAP config section for an example of how to set the default volume size.

Defaults Option Description Example
size Optional default size for new volumes. Default: “1G” 10G

Storage Prefix

A new config file variable has been added in v1.2 called “storagePrefix” that allows you to modify the prefix applied to volume names by the plugin. By default, when you run docker volume create, the volume name supplied is prepended with “netappdvp_” (“netappdvp-” for SolidFire).

If you wish to use a different prefix, you can specify it with this directive. Alternatively, you can use pre-existing volumes with the volume plugin by setting storagePrefix to an empty string, “”.

SolidFire specific recommendation do not use a storagePrefix (including the default). By default the SolidFire driver will ignore this setting and not use a prefix. We recommend using either a specific tenantID for docker volume mapping or using the attribute data which is populated with the docker version, driver info and raw name from docker in cases where any name munging may have been used.

A note of caution: docker volume rm will delete these volumes just as it does volumes created by the plugin using the default prefix. Be very careful when using pre-existing volumes!

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. Volume names must be a minimum of 2 characters in length

    This is a Docker client limitation. The client will interpret a single character name as being a Windows path. See bug 25773.

#. Because Docker Swarm does not orchestrate volume creation across multiple nodes, only the ontap-nas and ontap-san drivers will work in Swarm.