ONTAP Configuration

User Permissions

nDVP does not need full permissions on the ONTAP cluster and should not be used with the cluster-level admin account. Below are the ONTAP CLI comands to create a dedicated user for nDVP with specific permissions.

# create a new nDVP role
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname DEFAULT -access none

# grant common nDVP permissions
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "event generate-autosupport-log" -access all
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "network interface" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "version" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "vserver" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "vserver nfs show" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "volume" -access all
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "snapmirror" -access all

# grant ontap-san nDVP permissions
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "vserver iscsi show" -access readonly
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "lun" -access all

# grant ontap-nas-economy nDVP permissions
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "vserver export-policy create" -access all
security login role create -vserver [VSERVER] -role ndvp_role -cmddirname "vserver export-policy rule create" -access all

# create a new nDVP user with nDVP role
security login create -vserver [VSERVER] -username ndvp_user -role ndvp_role -application ontapi -authmethod password

Configuration File Options

In addition to the global configuration values above, when using ONTAP these top level options are available.

Option Description Example
managementLIF IP address of ONTAP management LIF
dataLIF IP address of protocol lif; will be derived if not specified
svm Storage virtual machine to use (req, if management LIF is a cluster LIF) svm_nfs
username Username to connect to the storage device vsadmin
password Password to connect to the storage device netapp123
aggregate Aggregate to use for provisioning; it must be assigned to the SVM aggr1

For the ontap-nas and ontap-nas-economy drivers, an additional top level option is available. For NFS host configuration, see also: http://www.netapp.com/us/media/tr-4067.pdf

Option Description Example
nfsMountOptions Fine grained control of NFS mount options; defaults to “-o nfsvers=3” -o nfsvers=4

Also, when using ONTAP, these default option settings are available to avoid having to specify them on every volume create.

Defaults Option Description Example
spaceReserve Space reservation mode; “none” (thin provisioned) or “volume” (thick) none
snapshotPolicy Snapshot policy to use, default is “none” none
splitOnClone Split a clone from its parent upon creation, defaults to “false” false
encryption Enable NetApp Volume Encryption, defaults to “false” true
unixPermissions NAS option for provisioned NFS volumes, defaults to “777” 777
snapshotDir NAS option for access to the .snapshot directory, defaults to “false” false
exportPolicy NAS option for the NFS export policy to use, defaults to “default” default
securityStyle NAS option for access to the provisioned NFS volume, defaults to “unix” mixed
fileSystemType SAN option to select the file system type, defaults to “ext4” xfs

Scaling Options

The ontap-nas and ontap-san drivers create an ONTAP FlexVol for each Docker volume. ONTAP supports up to 1000 FlexVols per cluster node with a cluster maximum of 12,000 FlexVols. If your Docker volume requirements fit within that limitation, the ontap-nas driver is the preferred NAS solution due to the additional features offered by FlexVols such as Docker-volume-granular snapshots and cloning.

If you need more Docker volumes than may be accommodated by the FlexVol limits, choose the ontap-nas-economy driver, which creates Docker volumes as ONTAP Qtrees within a pool of automatically managed FlexVols. Qtrees offer far greater scaling, up to 100,000 per cluster node and 2,400,000 per cluster, at the expense of some features. The ontap-nas-economy driver does not support Docker-volume-granular snapshots or cloning. The ontap-nas-economy driver is not currently supported in Docker Swarm, as Swarm does not orchestrate volume creation across multiple nodes.

To get advanced features and huge scale in the same environment, you can run multiple instances of the Docker Volume Plugin, with one using ontap-nas and another using ontap-nas-economy.

Example ONTAP Config Files

NFS Example for ontap-nas driver

    "version": 1,
    "storageDriverName": "ontap-nas",
    "managementLIF": "",
    "dataLIF": "",
    "svm": "svm_nfs",
    "username": "vsadmin",
    "password": "netapp123",
    "aggregate": "aggr1",
    "defaults": {
      "size": "10G",
      "spaceReserve": "none",
      "exportPolicy": "default"

NFS Example for ontap-nas-economy driver

    "version": 1,
    "storageDriverName": "ontap-nas-economy",
    "managementLIF": "",
    "dataLIF": "",
    "svm": "svm_nfs",
    "username": "vsadmin",
    "password": "netapp123",
    "aggregate": "aggr1",

iSCSI Example for ontap-san driver

    "version": 1,
    "storageDriverName": "ontap-san",
    "managementLIF": "",
    "dataLIF": "",
    "svm": "svm_iscsi",
    "username": "vsadmin",
    "password": "netapp123",
    "aggregate": "aggr1"